September 27, 2017
Reading Time: < 1 minuteArchitects League member Suzanne DiGeronimo, FAIA, has been appointed to serve on the 2018 AIA Institute Honor Awards for Regional and Urban Design Jury by 2017 president of The American Institute of Architect, Thomas Vonier, FAIA. The term of appointment is July 1, 2017, through June 30, 2018.
The president is quoted as saying, “On behalf of the AIA Board of Directors, I would like to thank you in advance for your continued willingness to serve the Institute in this manner. Without question, the life, vitality, and future of the AIA are dependent on the commitment you’re making on behalf of your profession. I look forward to working with you.”
The full jury consists of:
Roger Schluntz, FAIA (Chair) of the School of Architecture & Planning, U of NM, Albuquerque
Lisa Chronister, AIA of City of Oklahoma City Planning Department, Oklahoma City
Suzanne DiGeronimo, FAIA of DiGeronimo Architects, Paramus, New Jersey
Tim Griffin, AIA of Minnesota Design Center, Minneapolis
Gerry Tierney, AIA of Perkins+Will, San Francisco
Suzanne is impressed with the competition submissions and believes that many of the proposed design solutions are innovative ways to address some of the resiliency issues being discussed in New Jersey today. She has recommended that AIA NJ invite one or more finalists to share their projects with our members when the competition is complete. We will share more news on this possibility as it becomes available.
By Stacey Ruhle Kliesch, AIA, AIA NJ Advocacy Consultant | Posted in AIA-NJ News, Uncategorized | Tagged: #AIAAWARDS, #AIANational, #GerryTierneyAIA, #LisaChronisterAIA, #RegionalDesign, #RogerSchluntzFAIA, #SuzanneDiGeronimoFAIA, #ThomasVonierFAIA, #TimGriffinAIA, #UrbanDesign | Comments (0)
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