April 13, 2018
Reading Time: 3 minutes
Louis DiGeronimo, AIA, acknowledging the leadership of employer JP Morgan Chase with the ESGR Patriot Award to supervisor Gary Sorrentino head of AWM Infrastructure Application Services , as nominated by employee Captain Christopher Stover, Maryland National Guard.
Louis DiGeronimo, AIA, is NJ Director of Employer Outreach for Employer Support to the Guard and Reserve ESGR. 65% of the US fighting forces are ‘citizen warriors’ of the Guard and Reserve juggling their lives, families, and jobs to keep the rest of us secure. Attached is a photo of Louis acknowledging the leadership of employer JP Morgan Chase with the ESGR Patriot Award to supervisor Gary Sorrentino head of AWM Infrastructure Application Services, as nominated by employee Captain Christopher Stover, Maryland National Guard. The Patriot Award recognizes military service members private sector supervisors who are supportive of the citizen warriors and their private sector careers.
Captain Stover said: “I’ve been actively training over the past three years to become qualified on the Air Force Cyber Vulnerability Assessment and Hunt (CVA/H) weapon System and a Cyber Command (Cybercom) qualified operator to support the 856 Cyber Protection Team (CPT.) I wouldn’t have been able to do it without the support of supervisors like Gary and a company like JP Morgan Chase dedicated to supporting service members.”
Suzanne DiGeronimo, FAIA
Suzanne DiGeronimo, FAIA, is a member of the core leadership team advocating a layered defense system to protect the 1,000 miles of shoreline of NY Harbor, its tributaries, and the lower Hudson River, which would encompass both an offshore regional storm surge barrier system and a network of on-shore perimeter defenses. Attached is the first issue of Storm Watch newsletter for which Suzanne is Investigative Reporter uncovering stories, articles, and issues of interest.
Malcolm Bowman, Distinguished Professor of Oceanography SUNY Stony Brook Senior Editor comments in this inaugural newsletter: “We hope to bring you breaking news of wide interest, not only of our ongoing efforts, but also those of courageous individuals and organizations, who all over the tri-state region are fighting with all their might to ensure that their children, their grandchildren, and their communities will prosper, and will never have to undergo in their lifetimes the vast trauma and enduring loss of all those Superstorm Sandy communities and victims.”
Click here for Newsletter Surge Watch
AIA New Jersey applauds the outstanding efforts of our colleagues, Louis and Suzanne. Past Regional Representative and President, Bob Cozzarelli, AIA, sent his most heartfelt congratulations to the pair and thanked them for their commitment. Bob stated, “Both of you are ‘Citizen Architects’ and I’m proud that we are colleagues and friends.”
Becoming a Citizen Architect is a very rewarding experience and most needed in our society. AIA offers a variety of tools and articles to help you get starting in supporting your community by offering your creative problem-solving expertise and strong listening skills to assist your neighbors in solving their regional issues. Get started by visiting these links, and please join us in congratulating Louis and Suzanne DiGeronimo on their contributions!
By Stacey Ruhle Kliesch, AIA, AIA NJ Advocacy Consultant | Posted in Disaster Response, Members & the Community, Women in Architecture | Tagged: #ALNNJ, #CaptainChristopherStover, #CitizenWarrior, #DiGeronimoArchitects, #GarySorrentino, #GuardandReserveESGR, #JPMorganChase, #LouisDiGeronimoAIA, #MalcolmBowman, #MarylandNationalGuard, #PatriotAward, #SUNYStonyBrook, #SuperStormSandy, #SuzanneDiGeronimoFAIA | Comments (0)
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