February 23, 2019
Reading Time: 2 minutes
AIA Central New Jersey’s first continuing education event and 2019 officer installation was successful thanks to participants who braved the below freezing temperature, snow-covered county roadways and gusting winds. Ironbound Hard Cider founder and host, Charles Rosen as well as Design Strategist and Culinary Director, Ben Walmer, AIA, provided informational gems about the project and the relationship architectural design has with responsible agriculture. The group also learned more about the political and economic backdrop of the surrounding area, the detailing of the historic wood barn structure and its link to other important NJ state history.
Dinner included family style seating which provided a wonderful opportunity to get to know members and paired well with the warm and hospitable atmosphere Charles provided and the barn design exemplified. The meal was locally sourced with great attention to detail.
The 2019 AIA Central New Jersey Section officers include (L-R):
Keith Chambers, AIA (Trustee)
Carmine Cerminara, AIA (Trustee)
LoriAnne Jones, AIA (President-Elect)
Donna Terzano, AIA (President)
Ben Walmer, AIA (Treasurer)
Judy Donnelly, AIA (AIA NJ President)
Sean Cuddahy, AIA (Immediate Past President)
Installation was performed by AIA NJ President Judy Donnelly, AIA
Photo Shy: Megan Pritts, Associate AIA (Trustee), George Sincox, AIA (Secretary) and Shyam Perangur, AIA (Trustee)
By Stacey Ruhle Kliesch, AIA, AIA NJ Advocacy Consultant | Posted in AIA Central New Jersey | Tagged: #AIACentralNewJersey, #AIACNJ, #DonnaTerzanoAIA | Comments (0)
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