March 16, 2019
Reading Time: 3 minutes
There are three essential things you need to know about me: I love being an architect, I love the planet, and I love the AIA.
Being an architect is a cool job. We get to design buildings that people use all the time, and that last for decades. Every day brings a new puzzle to solve. It’s fun, exciting, and fulfilling. It’s also a great responsibility. People’s lives are in our hands. The simplest choices we make today affect generations to follow. It takes ability, understanding and conviction to become an architect. I’ll bring that same sensitivity and dedication to the office of At-large Director.
As much as I love my job, most people don’t know all the things an architect does, or why they need one. I believe the key to the future of our profession is introducing kids to architecture early. Educated children become informed adults, and better clients. There are some very successful K-12 architecture programs currently in place. I helped start one at AIA New Jersey. My goal is to spread these programs nation-wide so every student knows what an architect does, the essential role they play, and that they too can become one.
But it’s not just the kids we need to reach. We can and should be a resource to our elected officials as well. To do this, we need to demonstrate that we are problem solvers willing to work with them. I recently organized an event that brought together architects, planners and Mayors to envision solutions to their toughest challenges. We used a combination of tools to illustrate that architects don’t just design buildings, we think about the whole community and the people in it. The Mayors left with an appreciation of what we do, an understanding that we think differently, and the knowledge that we are here to help. I’d like to see this kind of event held across the country to make us the trusted advisors we want to be.
I love the planet, and sustainability has been a passion of mine for many years. Conserving resources is more important than ever, but it’s not enough. Our buildings must be resilient too. For me, living through Superstorm Sandy and its aftermath drove home the point that it’s no longer a question of if there will be a major storm, but when. We must design and build our communities efficiently, responsibly, and able to withstand the many forces of nature. I’ll work for a future where the cities we build – and the architects who design them – can handle whatever the planet throws at us.
Finally, I love the AIA and all that it does for our profession. For me, giving back to this career I adore is part of the responsibility of being an architect. I’ve been an active member for nearly 20 years, serving at all levels of the organization, so I understand how the AIA works for the members, the components, the leadership, and the staff. We have more resources than most members realize, fantastic programs, and a strong code of ethics. I’m proud of the work we’ve done, but there’s always room for improvement. The issues we face are wide ranging, serious, and impactful. I will work to ensure that open and transparent dialog between all levels of the organization continues to improve and every member knows all the great things the AIA does for them.
I’m Verity Frizzell, FAIA. Thank you for your interest and support.
By Stacey Ruhle Kliesch, AIA, AIA NJ Advocacy Consultant | Posted in AIA Jersey Shore, Women in Architecture | Tagged: #AIA, #AIAJerseyShore, #AIANational, #Architecture, #AtLargeDirector, #diversity, #equity, #Inclusion, #K12, #sustainability, #VerityFrizzellFAIA, #WIA, #womeninarchitecture, #WomensHistoryMonth, Architect | Comments (0)
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