January 11, 2023
Reading Time: 4 minutesOn Tuesday, January 10, 2023, the American Institute of Architects New Jersey Chapter installed its 2023 Board of Trustees for a one-year term.
AIA NJ’s new Strategic Councilor, Verity Frizzell, FAIA, conducted the installation during the first board meeting in 2023, which was held virtually.
Verity’s remarks were as follows:
“Good evening. Before we begin, I would like to congratulate all of the former officers and trustees that are here tonight. This evening is about our profession, what we do as architects, and the value we bring to society. Thank you for your service in the past.
Now, I would like to recognize the Officers and Trustees of the AIA New Jersey that served you so well during 2022.
As Strategic Councilor of AIA New Jersey and on behalf of the Institute, I thank you for your hard work and dedication to furthering the goals and objectives of The American Institute of Architects. We are indebted to you for your service. Having executed your duties as Officers and Trustees of this Section, I now officially Discharge you from the positions you so faithfully served during your 2022 term and wish you the very best of luck in all your future endeavors.
It is now my pleasure to introduce to you the 2023 officers and trustees of AIA New Jersey.
1 President Ronald Weston, AIA
2 President-Elect Brian Penschow, AIA
3 Vice-President Andrew Thompson, AIA
4 Secretary Manuel Pereiras, AIA
5 Treasurer Bharath “Ram” Ramamoorthy, AIA
6 State Strategic Councilor Verity Frizzell, FAIA
7 State Associate Representative Anna Chang, Assoc AIA
8 State Young Architects Representative Abby Benjamin, AIA
9 Immediate Past President John Cwikla, AIA
10 At-Large Trustee Jessica O’Donnell, AIA
11 At-Large Trustee LoriAnne Jones AIA
12 At-Large Trustee Erin Newton Assoc AIA
13 At-Large Trustee Marvin Clawson, AIA
14 At-Large Trustee Bruce Turner AIA
15 At-Large Trustee Bill Brown III, FAIA
16 ALNNJ 1 st Rep (President) Chris Dougherty, AIA
17 AIA NS 1 st Rep (President) Francisco Grimaldi, AIA
18 AIA CNJ 1 st Rep (President) Elina Shchervinsky, AIA
19 AIA JS 1 st Rep (President) Arnold Boyle, AIA
20 AIA WJ 1 st Rep (President) Keith Peacock, AIA
21 AIA SJ 1 st Rep (President) Phillip Giambri, AIA
22 ALNNJ 2 nd Rep (President-Elect) Sean Van, AIA
23 AIA NS 2 nd Rep (President-Elect) John Fallon, AIA
24 AIA CNJ 2 nd Rep TBD
25 AIA JS 2 nd Rep (President-Elect) Jason Vico, AIA
26 AIA WJ 2 nd Rep (Past-President) William Andes AIA
27 AIA SJ 2 nd Rep TBD
From a small group of thirteen, 160 years ago, led by Richard Upjohn, the American Institute of Architects has grown to a robust 90,000+ members, (and still growing) focused on providing guidance, service, and standards to architects around the world.
Each component of The American Institute of Architects is a local agency of AIA.
It is our duty to work toward a greater public understanding and recognition of the profession of architecture.
It is our duty to increase public awareness of the high standards that have been set by the AIA.
It is our duty to use all our professional knowledge and skill to work toward the solution of issues relevant to our profession and to do our utmost in assuring quality architecture in our communities.
To accomplish these goals, we need leaders of the highest caliber. The success of every component depends upon those leaders. They are the public face of the organization throughout AIA New Jersey.
It is through intelligent delegation of work, that the leaders must utilize the full potential of the membership and make the component more effective. To the officers, also, falls the responsibility to train others in the membership and assure a consistent high quality of leadership for years to come.
To these leaders it is their responsibility to foster a Greater public understanding and recognition of the architectural profession!
The members of AIA New Jersey have elected each of you to lead them in 2023, expressing their confidence in you to provide the New Jersey Chapter of the American Institute of Architects with the active, constructive administration necessary to promote the goals and objectives of the Institute.
Through my authority as your AIA New Jersey Strategic Councilor, it is now my honor and responsibility to charge each of these new officers and trustees, and for them to assume, the duties of their respected office to the letter of our by-laws. I encourage each of you to conduct yourself in the most professional manner with respect and dignity for the betterment of our profession during your term as an officer and trustee of AIA New Jersey.
I now ask the 2023 Officers and Trustees to please accept the duties and responsibilities of your office by saying in unison I DO!
Congratulations and Good Luck! Thank you!”
This meeting marks Ronald Weston’s first as 2023 President. Attendees included committee chairs and administrators as well as those listed above. The next AIA NJ Board meeting will be held virtually on May 9, 2023.
By Stacey Ruhle Kliesch, AIA, AIA NJ Advocacy Consultant | Posted in AIA-NJ News | Tagged: #2023, #BoardTrustees, #ExecutiveCommittee, #Installation, #RonaldCWestonAIA, #trustees, #VerityLFrizzellFAIA, Officers | Comments (0)
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