February 15, 2023
Reading Time: 2 minutesl-R AIA Newark and Suburban President-Elect John Fallon, AIA; AIA Newark and Suburban Secretary Elizabeth Pacheco, AIA; AIA Architects League of Northern NJ Representative Ruchi Dhar, AIA; NJ State Young Architects Representative Abby Benjamin, AIA; AIA Newark and Suburban Past President Christy DiBartolo, AIA; and AIA NJ President Ronald Weston, AIA
AIA New Jersey and Section Leaders spent the first day of the 2023 AIA National Leadership Conference in legislative meetings on Capitol Hill. Here are photos of our meeting with Rep Donald Payne Jr’s team. Our members are advocating for two bills, “Resilient America” and “Democracy in Design.”
By Stacey Ruhle Kliesch, AIA, AIA NJ Advocacy Consultant | Posted in AIA Newark and Suburban, AIA-NJ News, Legislative & Government Affairs, Women in Architecture | Tagged: #2023, #AIA, #AIALeadershipConference, #AIANational, #AIANJ, #CitizenArchitects, #DemocracyinDesign, #DonaldPayneJr, #LandGA, #LeadershipConference, #onthehill, #ResilientAmerica, #RonaldCWestonAIA | Comments (0)
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