March 3, 2023
Reading Time: < 1 minute
Last October, the Immediate Past-President of AIA-NJ addressed a gathering of the Association of Municipal Assessors of New Jersey (AMANJ) to share ideas and innovations in housing development that will impact their profession.
The talk titled “Filling the Missing Middle: Context-Sensitive Design and Development Innovations” focused on new approaches to smart growth and development for a range of municipalities, particularly several replicable solutions and approaches for increasing density responsibly, from adaptive reuse to insertion of accessory dwellings to the development of large-scale, pedestrian-permeable campuses with multiple residential structures and public amenities.
The goal, Zinder told the gathering of tax assessors, is to develop missing middle housing: a term that comprises any effort to create multifamily properties at an appropriate scale that results in affordable, diverse, walkable, sustainable communities.
Zinder has presented similar talks at the AIA Conference on Architecture, AIA Tri-State Conference, and the NJ Future Planning and Redevelopment Conference.
By Stacey Ruhle Kliesch, AIA, AIA NJ Advocacy Consultant | Posted in AIA Central New Jersey, Business | Tagged: #JoshuaZinderAIA, #missingmiddle | Comments (0)
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