January 15, 2025
Reading Time: 2 minutes
On Saturday, January 11, 2025, Architects from across the state gathered for the AIA New Jersey Board Installation and Awards Dinner held in conjunction with the AIA Newark and Suburban Presidents’ Gala at The Stone House at Stirling Ridge, Warren, NJ. Immediate Past President Brian Penschow, AIA, served as Master of Ceremonies for the evening and officer installations were conducted by Strategic Councilor and Past President, Verity Frizzell, FAIA. Many past presidents were in attendance to honor the new officers and celebrate another year of success at AIA New Jersey. Congratulations and THANK YOU, to ALL!
AIA New Jersey 2025 Executive Committee L-R: State Young Architects Representative Abigail Benjamin, AIA; Secretary (2 year term) Matthew Pultorak, AIA; Vice President Bharath “Ram” Ramamoorthy, AIA; President-Elect Jessica O’Donnell, AIA; President Andrew Thompson, AIA; Immediate Past President Brian Penschow, AIA; and Strategic Council Representative Verity Frizzell, FAIA. Not pictured: Treasurer Christina Amey, AIA; State Associates Director Michael Rosado, Assoc. AIA.
AIA New Jersey Past Presidents L-R: Joshua Zinder, AIA; Robert Cozzarelli, FAIA; Bruce Turner, AIA; Seth Leeb, AIA; William Brown, III, AIA, NOMAC; Michael Hanrahan, AIA; Brian Penschow, AIA; Steve Carlidge, AIA; Verity Frizzell, FAIA; Kim Bunn, AIA; and Jason Kliwinski, AIA. Front Row: Jerry Eben, FAIA; Judy Donnelly, AIA; and Stacey Ruhle Kliesch, AIA.
AIA Newark and Suburban 2025 Board of Trustees L-R: Trustee Benjamin Horten, AIA; Trustee Javier Fuentes, AIA; Trustee Shiva Khodadadi, AIA; Trustee Elizabeth Pacheco, AIA; Secretary Dana Napurano, AIA; President Lisa Walzer, AIA; Immediate Past President John Fallon, AIA; Vice President Marvin Clawson, AIA; President-Elect Kelli Glasgow, AIA; Trustee Francisco Grimaldi, AIA; Trustee Eric Buckley, AIA. Not Pictured: Trustees Venesa Alicea-Chuqui, AIA; Diane Van Horn, and Diana Rattazzi and Treasurer Jonathan Alexander Terrero, AIA.
AIA Newark and Suburban Past Presidents L-R: Robert Cozzarelli, FAIA; Seth Leeb, AIA; William Brown, III, FAIA, NOMAC; Christy DiBartolo, AIA; Francisco Grimaldi, AIA; John Fallon, AIA; Andrew Thompson, AIA, NOMAC; Alexander Gotthelf, AIA. Front Row, L-R: Jerry Eben, FAIA; Judy Donnelly, AIA; Robert Yannazzo, AIA.
By Stacey Ruhle Kliesch, AIA, AIA NJ Advocacy Consultant | Posted in AIA Newark and Suburban, AIA-NJ News | Tagged: #2025boardoftrustees, #AIANJ, #AIANS, #NJArchitects, #Pastpresidents, leadership | Comments (0)
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