#FlatArchitect At the Gala!

January 15, 2025

Reading Time: 3 minutes

AIA New Jersey President Andrew Thompson, AIA, and his son got to hang out withe the #FlatArchitects this weekend! We don’t know who was more impressed or impressive! Congratulations, Andrew!

#FlatArchitect At the Gala!


#FlatArchitect continues to see and be seen in all the best AIA places!  This weekend, #FlatArchitect ventured into AIA Newark and Suburban territory to attend the 2025 AIA New Jersey Board Installation and Awards Dinner, a combined event with the AIA Newark and Suburban Presidents Gala. The festivities were held in The Stone House at Stirling Ridge in Warren, New Jersey. 

While 2025 Presidents Andrew Thompson, AIA, NOMAC, and Lisa Walzer, AIA, were the stars of the show, #FlatArchitects Venesa Chuqui, AIA, and David Del Vecchio, AIA, proved very popular as well! Rubbing elbows during the cocktail hour and making the rounds after dinner, the #Flatties had a GRAND OLD TIME! 


#FlatArchitect is the brainchild of AIA NJ Immediate Past President Brian Penschow, AIA, Public Awareness Co-Chair William Martin, AIA, and their accomplice AIA Jersey Shore Past President Marissa Iamello, AIA, who first brought #FlatArchitect William Martin, AIA, to the AIA Leadership Summit, then called Grassroots, five years ago!  Since that time, Bill has been running with the idea, toting different #FlatArchitects to AIA events nationwide!  So happy 5th birthday to you, #FlatArchitect! That’s quite a milestone. 

In January of 2020, Bill, Marissa and Brian were sitting together at the January AIA NJ Board of Trustees meeting. Marissa and Brian were talking about attending AIA Grassroots in New Orleans the following month. As they were talking, Bill said, “Maybe I should send a photo of myself with you so I can be a part of Grassroots, too! (since I was disappointed that I could not attend). Brian and Marissa looked at each other and said, “That’s a great idea!”

So, a few weeks later Brian reminded Bill of the conversation. Bill made himself into the first #FlatArchitect paddle and Brian drove up to North Jersey especially to pick it up.

They took it with them and #FlatArchitect enjoyed New Orleans. #Flatty attended the AIA daytime learning programs and evening events in the French Quarter. The paddle had a few drinks and partied …

AIA National leaders posed for photos with #FlatArchitect. Brian and Marissa made it such a huge hit, AIANJ Public Awareness decided it would be a part of all our events.  The idea is that a member who could not attend would volunteer to be “flattened” and attend as a photo paddle. Each time it’s someone different.  It is very popular among our membership and we are always asked where #FlatArchitect is before people even say hello to us.

AIA NJ considers this a Public Awareness win on many levels and we are very proud of it …


AIA NJ Immediate Past President and #Flatarchitect Creator Brian Penschow, AIA

AIA NJ Public Awareness Co-Chair And #FlatArchitect Creator William Martin, AIA, With AIA Jersey Shore President Jason Vico, AIA, and Corinna Vico hobnobbing with the #FlatArchitects



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