August 7, 2024
Reading Time: 2 minutesSydne Nance, Associate AIA, with (L-R) Michael Herbert of Whitehorn Financial Group, the award sponsor, AIA NJ President, Brian Penschow, AIA, and President-Elect, Andrew Thompson, AIA. Photo Credit: Jay Mayer
The AIA New Jersey Equity in Architecture Committee is excited to share the premier of our interview with AIA NJ 2024 Associate of the Year, Sydne Nance, Associate AIA. AIA NJ Past President and EDI Committee Chair, Stacey Ruhle Kliesch, AIA, conducts the interview. We hope you enjoy this special presentation!
Sydne Nance, Associate AIA, an emerging architectural professional member of AIA Newark and Suburban, holds a Bachelor of Architecture degree from the Hillier College of Architecture and Design at NJIT. Currently, she contributes her expertise to the Business Development Team at Henning Larsen in New York City. Additionally, in her spare time, Sydne volunteers as the Editorial Assistant for Madame Architect, a media startup focused on sharing the narratives of women in architecture and design. Follow at @madamearchitect.
Driven by her passion for increasing diversity in architecture, Sydne advocated for her peers through her involvement in the American Institute of Architects Students and other organizations. In her final year as an undergraduate, she served as chapter president of NJIT’s AIAS chapter and has served on the national AIAS Honor Awards jury.
During college, Sydne competed as a member of NJIT’s women’s track and field team, setting numerous team records. She also joined Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority, Incorporated, the oldest Greek-letter organization established by African American college-educated women. She values mentorship and has mentored two cohorts of first-year architecture and design students from her university’s Educational Opportunity Program.
In this interview, Sydne shares her success stories in increasing diversity in academia, industry, and community, as well as celebrating her achievements in supporting Madame Architect.
By Stacey Ruhle Kliesch, AIA, AIA NJ Advocacy Consultant | Posted in AIA Newark and Suburban, Architecture Students, Associates, Diversity, Emerging Professionals, EquityInArchitecture, Women in Architecture | Tagged: #AIA, #AIANational, #AIANewarkandSuburban, #AIANJ, #AIANJEDI, #AIANJWIA, #AIANS, #architects, #Architecture, #AssociateAIA, #Blackarchitect, #BlackHistoryMonth, #diversity, #EDI, #emergingarchitect, #EmergingProfessional, #emergingprofessionals, #EPiC, #equity, #Inclusion, #NewJersey, #NJArchitects, #NJArchitecture, #ServiceAwards, #StaceyRuhleKlieschAIA, #SydneNanceAssociateAIA, #WIA, #WomanArchitect, #womeninarchitecture, NJArchitect, NJIT, NOMA | Comments (0)
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