April 17, 2024
Reading Time: 2 minutesBell Works Entry by Joseph E. David, AIA
The AIA New Jersey Architecture Week Committee has convened an esteemed jury to select the 2024 New Jersey Architecture Week Photography Competition winners. AIA NJ leaders Verity Frizzell, FAIA; Ronald Weston, AIA; and William Martin, AIA, met with committee chair Paul Tiajoloff, AIA, to review and rate the 34 submissions.
Into The Dark Sky by Joseph Lobdell, AIA
AIA New Jersey member Joseph David, AIA, was presented with the grand prize for his entry entitled “Bell Works Entry.” Joseph Lobdell, AIA, had two entries recognized. “Into the Dark Sky” was awarded the Black and White Prize while “Around We Go” took the top prize in the Color category.
Around We Go By Joseph Lobdell, AIA
The Committee was very excited to see such robust participation in the first year of the photography contest and thanks all of the members who submitted photos. Congratulations to the winners!
By Stacey Ruhle Kliesch, AIA, AIA NJ Advocacy Consultant | Posted in AIA-NJ News, Architecture in NJ | Tagged: #ArchitectureWeek, #NJArchWeek, #njarchweek24, #PaulTiajoloffAIA, #RonWestonAIA, #VerityLFrizzellFAIA, #WilliamMartinAIA | Comments (0)
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