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Board Committees

Andrew Thomson, AIA NS

Brian Penschow, AIA JS

Andrew Thomson, AIA NS

Christina Amey, AIA SJ

Brian Penschow, AIA JS

Communications Committee

Kim Bunn, AIA WJ

Public Awareness (Co-Chairs)
William Martin, AIA ALNNJ
Bruce Turner, AIA SJ

E-Bulletin/ Newsletter/ Website
Kim Bunn, AIA WJ

PA Consultant
Stacey Ruhle Kliesch, AIA ALNNJ

Professional Practice Committee

Historic Resources
Andrew Thomson, AIA NS

Resiliency / Homeland Security
Verity Frizzell, FAIA JS

Equity, Diversity, & Inclusion
Stacey Ruhle Kliesch, AIA ALNNJ

Women In Architecture
Erin Sharp-Newton, AIA CNJ

Small Firm Exchange (Co-Chairs)
Lisa Walzer, AIA NS

Sloan Springer, AIA WJ

COTE (Committee on the Environment)

Bran Alterman, AIA WJ

Historical Archives

Joyce Scatuccio Jolliffe, Assoc. AIA  SJ

L&GA Committee

Kurt Kalafsky, AIA CNJ

State Board of Architects Liaison
Brian Penschow, AIA JS

State & Local Government Network

Membership Committee

Retention and Recruitment
John A. Cwikla, AIA NS

Ed Rothe, FAIA CNJ

Emerging Professionals Committee (EPiC)

Christina Kavanagh, Assoc. AIA ALNNJ

Abagail Benjamin, AIA NS

Awards and Scholarships Committee

Design & Service Awards
Seth Leeb, AIA NS

Joshua Zinder, AIA CNJ

Michael Graves Award
Robert Cozzarelli, FAIA NS

Scholarship Liaison
Marvin Clawson, AIA NS

Programs and Events Committee

Design Conference
Seth Leeb, AIA NS
Joshua Zinder, AIA CNJ

Codes & Standards
Robert M. Longo, AIA CNJ

K-12 Program (Co-Chairs)
John Fallon, AIA NS
Joseph E. David, AIA ALNNJ

Mayor’s Exchange
Andrew Thompson, AIA NS

Architecture Week
Paul Tiajoloff, AIA NS

College/University/AIAS Liaison
Manuel Pereiras, AIA ALNNJ

2025 Awards and Installation Dinner
(Pres-Elect) Jessica O’Donnell, AIA WJ

Leadership Summit Dinner
(Pres-Elect) Jessica O’Donnell, AIA WJ

National Convention Fellows/ Regional Reception
(Pres-Elect) Jessica O’Donnell, AIA WJ

Task Forces and Associated Entities

Dave DelVecchio, AIA NS

Architectural Resource Center 
John A. Cwikla, AIA NS

Technology In Practice (Co-Chairs)

Matthew Pultork, AIA JS

Richard Garber, AIA NS

Safe School Design Task Force (Co-Chairs)

Ed Rothe, FAIA CNJ

Jeanne Perantoni, AIA CNJ