Register for Basic Builder’s Door Hardware: AIANJ EPiC Architectural 101 series Lunch and Learn

September 16, 2024

Reading Time: 2 minutes
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AIA New Jersey Emerging Professional Community invites all emerging professionals to join the
AIANJ EPiC Architectural 101 series Lunch and Learn, on Fridays 12PM to 1PM,
with specialists and manufacturers on board, bringing the knowledge that will be needed in
our daily work and learning progress! This program is a FREE, MEMBER-BENEFIT!

Friday, Sep 27th, 12:00-1:00 PM

Basic Builder’s Door Hardware
1.0 LU | HSW
This webinar will provide a comprehensive overview of builder’s hardware, focusing on the fundamentals of door hardware, its characteristics, and proper applications. Participants will learn about the various types of hardware available and how to select the right components to complete an opening that meets applicable codes, standards, and accessibility requirements. By the end of the session, attendees will understand the essential hardware needed for functional openings and be able to confidently choose the appropriate products for specific project needs.


Julia Alison Hyldahl
Architectural Services Representative ยท dormakaba USA Inc
I am an architectural services representative for dormakaba. I have been in this role for the past 5 years now and continue to learn and try to get better with each day. As an architectural rep I assist architects in writing specifications and developing hardware sets for Door Hardware, Automatic Entrance systems, Interior Glass Systems, Turnstiles, Access control and more! I am very passionate about people and relationships so I highly value being able to be a resource for anything I can be whether it be writing a huge project or answering a one door question. Outside of work I love spending time outdoors, quality time with loved ones and am blessed to spend most summer weekends at my family’s beach home on the Jersey Shore. I am happily married for the last 3 years and have a little French Bulldog named Mochi! 
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414 Riverview Plaza, Trenton, NJ 08611
(609) 393-5690