October 19, 2016
Reading Time: 2 minutesBy Jerome Leslie Eben, AIA
AIANJ Member of the ArchiPAC Steering Committee
For those who do not know, ArchiPAC is the only federal political action committee (PAC) speaking up for members of the AIA. The mission has been and continues to be to support candidates running for the US House and Senate who support AIA’s initiatives to preserve the profession and promote positive solutions for the built environment. The Stearing Committee works with both sides of the aisle and this has been a key strategy for moving the AIA’s legislative agenda through Congress.
In one way or another I have been involved with ArchiPAC for over a decade. Back in 2006 we had jus 23 donations that totaled $3,351. Our numbers of donators and individual donations have steadily increased and by the end of last year, we had raised just over $10K.
With just two and one half months left we are some $3K short of that goal. Increasing our goal, which this year was to 10% above last year’s numbers, would elevate effectiveness and compete with our counterparts in the building and construction industry. By doing so we would in effect elevate the debate on Capitol Hill by bringing awareness to the issues that impact the practice of OUR profession from tax policies that affect cash flow to energy policies that impact how buildings are designed.
The above explanation leads to the BIG ask from me to all of you to make your donation before December 31st of this year. It is easy to do so long as your check is not a corporate one. I am especially asking our entire current and past leadership to step up and make your donation and help with the ask so others will also contribute.
You can make your donation by visiting the contribution website ArchiPAC.org or mail a check payable to ArchiPAC to AIA Headquarters at 1735 New York Avenue, NW Washington, DC 20006
Thank you
By admin | Posted in AIA-NJ News, Codes & Regulations, Environment, Historic Resources, Members & the Community, NJ Architect Newsletter | Tagged: ArchiPAC, Jerry Eben | Comments (0)
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