2nd Annual Green Buildings Summit 2010, June 2

April 15, 2010

Reading Time: < 1 minute

The 2nd Annual Green Buildings Summit, being hosted by the Mid Atlantic Real Estate Journal, set to take place June 2, 2010 at the Trenton Marriott at Lafayette Yard, Trenton, NJ. Through this partnership, we have secured a discounted rate for our members to both attend and exhibit. Simply enter your member code.

This year’s keynote speaker is, President Lee Solomon. President Solomon was named by Governor Christie as President to the Board of Public Utilities (BPU).

This event will be the premier platform to unite and meet face-to-face with leading Commercial Developers, Builders, Property Owners, Investors, Redevelopment Experts, Architects, Engineers, Attorneys, Local and State Government Officials and Economic Development Agencies.

USGBC-NJ will present: a custom workshop & Exam Prep course. Featuring LEED® Overview and how to prep for LEED® Green Associate Credential. Which offers 4 AIA LU Credits!!

Supporting Organizations also include; USGBC-NJ, AIA-NJ, BuilidingGreen, NESEA NJ, BOMA NJ, NJAA, ULI, TriState, IREM and IFMA to date.

We encourage you to get involved! Join us at this powerful event.


Sponsorship / Speaking opportunities are limited but still available. Please contact Linda Christman at lchristman@marejournal.com or 1-800-584-1062. Or visit the MAREJOURNAL.COM for details.

Register Today !

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Architects are creative professionals, educated, trained, and experienced in the art and science of building design, and licensed to practice architecture. Their designs respond to client needs, wants and vision, protect public safety, provide economic value, are innovative, inspire and contribute positively to the community and the environment.

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(609) 393-5690