Your Firm Can Help Protect Vital EPA Programs

March 1, 2017

Reading Time: 2 minutes

AIAeagle_2016With a new administration in place, new leadership at the Environmental Protection Agency will be reevaluating the agency’s priorities. They believe that EPA activity is limiting economic growth and job creation – but designers know that isn’t the case. That’s why it is crucial that architects make a business case for retaining EPA programs that enable them to design healthy, energy-saving buildings. As key positions are being filled, we need to educate these officials about the importance of the programs they will be tasked with managing. The AIA Advocacy team is working with COTE to organize a sign-on letter for architecture firms to EPA outlining vital programs to the practice of architecture. Please add your firm today to this important letter!

Target Finder, Portfolio Manager, and the TCSA inventory are just a few examples of the tools and resources that provide vital information for meeting the performance standards which clients demand and many jurisdictions mandate. As the administration prepares to send its budget request to Congress, decisions about the futures of these vital programs will be made over the months ahead. Now is the time to make your voice heard! Please sign this letter on behalf of your firm, or bring it to the attention of a firm leader.


Thank you for your assistance.


AIA Advocacy

The American Institute of Architects
1735 New York Avenue, NW, Washington, DC 20006

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One response to “Your Firm Can Help Protect Vital EPA Programs”

  1. Jerome Morley Larson Sr EAIA says:

    Horrors! Epa has destroyed our planet! Don’t get suckered, it is as criminal as zoning! THIMK! I have proof.



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