Presentations Sought For AIA New Jersey East Coast Green

June 4, 2024

Reading Time: 2 minutes



Sustainable Horizons:

Navigating the Future of Architecture


Call for Presentations


The AIA NJ Committee for the Environment is excited to announce the Call for Presentations for the 2024 East Coast Green Virtual Conference. This conference serves as a dynamic platform for professionals, academics, and thought leaders to share their insights, research, and innovations in the realm of sustainable architecture and environmental design.





Event Dates: Thursday, September 12th and Friday, September 20th 


Presentation Submission Deadline: July 31, 2024 


This year’s conference aims to address the challenges and opportunities in shaping a sustainable future for the built environment. We invite presenters to contribute to the dialogue on topics such as:


·     Climate-responsive architecture

·     Net-zero energy buildings

·     Circular design principles

·     Resilient and regenerative design

·     Innovations in sustainable materials

·     Urban planning for environmental equity

·     The intersection of technology and sustainability in architecture

·     Case studies of successful sustainable projects


We welcome submissions from professionals, researchers, and educators. Presentations will be a total of 60 minutes (45-minute session; 15-minute Q&A) in length. Submissions should include the following:


1. Title of Presentation

2. Presenter(s) Information (Name, Affiliation, Contact Details)

3. Abstract (300 words max)

4. Brief Bio(s) of Presenter(s) (150 words max per bio)


How to Submit:

Please email your submission to All submissions will undergo a peer-review process, and selected presenters will be notified by July 31. Chosen presenters will need to fill out the Continuing Education agreement and Session document by August 16th. AIA NJ will file for continuing education credits for your course if selected. 




AIA-NJ | 414 River View Plaza | Trenton, NJ 08611 US

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Architects are creative professionals, educated, trained, and experienced in the art and science of building design, and licensed to practice architecture. Their designs respond to client needs, wants and vision, protect public safety, provide economic value, are innovative, inspire and contribute positively to the community and the environment.

414 Riverview Plaza, Trenton, NJ 08611
(609) 393-5690