AIA-CA 2020 Healthcare Facilities Forum

Event Dates:  October 14, 15, 16 – 9 a.m. – 12 p.m. Virtual About:   Many forces are driving change in the design and construction of healthcare facilities – especially in the aftermath of COVID-19. While lawmakers debate programs and benefits, those charged with the delivery of care are looking for insights, how Read More

AIA West Jersey: General Membership Meeting

AIA West Jersey will host a virtual General Membership Meeting featuring a presentation entitled, “Making Outdoor Spaces Comfortable”.   Please visit for additional event details and RSVP information.

ALNNJ: The New York You Didn’t Know

The Architects League of Northern New Jersey invites you to explore The “New York You Didn’t Know” at our October online member meeting. At 6PM on Thursday, October 22, Photographer Read More


Healthcare Design in a Post Pandemic World

Presenters: Ben Lee, AIA, Donna Terzano, AIA, Hollis Mandara, and Stacey Kliesch, AIA Design in the Post Pandemic World Webinar Series Sponsored by the American Institute of Architects NJ Public Read More


AIA New York State Small Firm Symposium – Day 2

  Schedule of Events  Saturday, November 14  8:00AM – 9:00AM: Breakfast with the AIA SfX Network and Sponsors Content Leaders:  Venesa Alicea-Chuqui, AIA, NOMA, LEEP AP | Founder/Principal, NYVARCH Architecture Matthew Read More